Jim Hamilton, InfoTrends, presents a summary overview of the KODAK NEXPRESS SE Platform. Jim reviews the next generation platform that offers improved quality and productivity, through three new developments:
With the introduction of the KODAK NEXPRESS SE Series of Digital Production Color Presses, the best in digital color production now outpaces the competition and offers more applications that generate higher margin. Delivering ground breaking productivity, quality and reliability that can help you grow your top and bottom lines. From compatibility with the latest PDF standards to seamless integration when implementing variable data printing (VDP) capabilities, the KODAK NEXPRESS Front End System improves file processing significantly.
The NexPress SE Platform now features Print Genius, a suite of quality control tools and options that help you manage and maintain peak quality throughout your production run. The Print Genius quality suite encompasses hardware, software and materials science innovations to optimize quality and consistency from the first sheet to the last, day after day. Closed-loop calibration: Five minutes is all it takes to analyze output and feed critical data back to the system for closed loop color calibration, helping you optimize quality with minimal downtime. The unique Kodak NexPress Intelligent Calibration System (ICS) automates the process of checking and maintaining print uniformity. Enhanced dry inks and developers: Newly reformulated Kodak NexPress Enhanced Dry Ink and Developers provide vibrant colors and consistent spot color matching, smooth flat fields and gradients, and the unique ability to match the ink gloss level to the substrate being printed. You can realize consistently high image quality with reduced print waste, optimizing running costs. |
The KODAK NEXPRESS SE3600 Digital Color Production Press is the only sheet fed digital production color press to offer unconstrained 3600 A3+ sheets per hour or 120 ppm performance.
Base configuration |
Printing speed |
Printing speed (single sided 4/0 or 5/0)
Imaging technology |
Substrate format |
Maximum imageable area |
Paper weight |
Substrates |
Special Substrates |
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